Finally: Video That Plays Directly Within Email: "VIZUAL"
Check out this fantastic explanation and demonstration of how VIZUAL works, from our VP of Client Relations, Angie Thain:
Putting it all together:

- Podcasts-in-Email: Embed podcasts, or create animated image-slideshows with music or voiceover.
- Image-Carousels: Create an interactive, thumb-tappable slideshow of product images or fan-pictures.
- Countdown-Clocks: Create a sense of urgency with real-time dynamic count-clocks.
- Animated-GIF Builder: Create engaging animated gif's using your own images.
- Real-time Geo-dynamic Images: Dynamically match users to a specific location - and create a localized image on the fly.
- Mobile vs. Desktop images: Show different images based on the device being used.
- A/B Testing, Real-Time-Optimization Images: Not sure which image will generate the most clicks? We have you covered.

More than DOUBLE your normal email click-throughs.

We are the only email-marketing-provider in the world to offer true embedded-video that can play directly inside all of your email. Strategically, videos are automatically whitelisted with Twitter and Facebook, and can be fully shared by your subscribers (and fully tracked) in your campaigns. This dramatically extends the viral-reach of your videos, and gives you unprecedented tracking of who your most influential subscribers/fans are.
"OUR MINDS ARE BLOWN. TailoredMail is enabling email to do things we never thought were possible."
In less than 5 minutes, you can embed videos into your campaigns for immediate sending. We track each individual subscriber's viewing behavior, such as how many times they viewed, how much of the video was viewed, social-sharing behavior, and what device/platform they were using.
TailoredMail's Unique Approach

- Video plays INSIDE the email content you send. Gmail, Yahoo, iPhones - you name it.
- Our secret sauce: we auto-detect more than 100 unique devices, email clients and operating-system environments - in real-time - and serve up different formats to offer everyone a one-click-to-play experience.
- In addition to being able to 'play' video, we are the only provider who tracks how long, how often, and with what device/client each subscriber achieves
- The solution is hosted and streamed from TailoredMail's Amazon cloud (using edge-servers for instant worldwide playing).
- You can optionally set it to auto-play, be muted, show/don't-show video player controls, and much more.

Our auto-detection 'secret sauce'
HTML5 is everywhere, but it's not technically possible for email marketers to create a working (let alone elegant) video-in-email experience on their own. If you did try to do it on your own, you might make it work in a few environments, but then it will break in most others. This sophisticated detection system is what makes video-in-email possible.
Here's the "Decision-Tree":
A.) If any of the following devices/platform are detected, play the embedded-video inside the email:
- Gmail Desktop
- Yahoo Desktop
- Apple iOS iPhone
- Apple iOS iPad
- Android (Samsung devices, some other Android devices)
- Outlook for Mac
- Apple Mail
- Thunderbird
B.) If any of the following platforms are detected, show a clickable animated-GIF instead, that - when clicked - opens a replica of the email in a browser and auto-plays the video. This offers the same one-click-to-play experience, and most-importantly, KEEPS the subscriber within the email content:

- Outlook
- Mobile Gmail/ Yahoo
- Hotmail/ MSN
- Android (various devices)
System Features:
- Takes 5-minutes to set-up and send your first video
- Fully customize the size, layout and styling of your videos
- Automatically creates elegant animated GIFs of your video - fully customizable (or upload your own).
- Analytics for:
- Who sees your video
- Viewing time / length / location / frequency
- Viewing device / operating system
- Sharing over social and to colleagues/friends
- Based on HTML5, not proprietary software
- Unique integration with YouTube
- Hosted in the cloud & scalable to any need