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To: Mr./Ms. Sample

Here's an update from Tom Douglas restaurants, based on the email preferences you have on file with us. We would love to hear your feedback, so feel free to contact us at any time.

August 2024 Update:


Seattle Kitchen Newsletter Topics - Side Dish
A Little Compost Boast

It's been 9 years since our compost program started at our restaurants, and we're so proud of it.  Back then we were limited to just "clean" organic matter such as veggies, bread crusts…no meat!  But now that technology has caught up to our needs, we can compost anything from the rinds from freshly squeezed lemons to oyster shells to the bones we use to make our stocks.   Even our compost bags are made out of corn.  Our compost makin' scraps are picked up twice weekly by Cedar Grove Compost who then turns all these nutrient rich bits and pieces into garden-growing compost for parks all over the city.  Think about that the next time you don't take that doggy bag home!

To learn more about composting in our area (and find a delicious Corn and Blueberry Salad recipe from Tom) please click here.

We hope you enjoyed this edition of the Tom Douglas Seattle Kitchen Newsletter. We also want to encourage you to give us your thoughts and ideas on how to make this newsletter more useful.

:: Give us your feedback

If you would like to make reservations or learn more about any of our restaurants/locations, use these links:

Lola | Dahlia Lounge | Etta's | Palace Kitchen | Palace Ballroom
Dahlia Bakery | Serious Pie | Rub with Love

Until next time...

Tom Douglas Restaurants is concerned about your privacy. We do not rent, sell or exchange email addresses. Write us at: Tom Douglas Restaurants, 2030 5th Ave Seattle,WA 98121

© 2024 Tom Douglas Restaurants. All rights reserved.

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